
    In his youth, Mussolini was a socialist, but during the war, he switched loyalty to an intense form of nationalism. In the year 1919, he organized the Fascist party in Italy that would rectify the Roman greatness of the past. Mussolini's Fascism movement encouraged many elements, including nationalism, social progress, expansionism, and anti-communism in order to bring Italy to its peak. His ideas influenced, and caused admiration, in leaders all around Europe who began to spread Fascist beliefs to their countries.

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power. "
                    - Benito Mussolini

    Mussolini's ultimate goal was to have the highest seat in power and take Italy out of their "depression" by using Fascism. Any who opposed this "way to success", whom were usually critics or socialists, were instantly exiled, imprisoned or executed. He used a massive amount of propaganda in order persuade the people that fascism was the way to a better future for Italy, hoping to rid the country of its ideas of socialism. This required the complete annialation of communists and socialists. 
    The one thing he cared for was the wealth and superiority of his nation and to become the top by doing what is best only for Italy, leaving the rest of the world out of the picture. Nations around looked at Mussolini rising above the rest of Europe following the ideas of fascism, and ultimately became an influence to Hitler. This lead to the two great dictators joining forces in the second World War.